29/06/2024 04:00:00

  Tragic Incident at Summer Camp: 10-Year-Old Vincenzo Falls into an Artesian Well

 While participating in a summer camp organized by the Anffas Foundation of Palazzolo Acreide "Doniamo Sorrisi," 10-year-old Vincenzo tragically fell into an artesian well. The incident occurred when he momentarily evaded the organizers' attention, climbed onto the well's cover, and fell in. The child was at the camp with his disabled brother and was playing with other young attendees at the center in the province of Siracusa. Details of the incident are still being reconstructed.

According to rescue workers, shortly after the incident, a 54-year-old female staff member attempted to reach him by lowering herself into the well with a rope. However, she could not descend the full 15 meters to the water and became immobilized before reaching it due to a panic attack. "I arrived on the scene when the operator was taken to the emergency room in shock," recounted Colonel Gabriele Barecchia of the Carabinieri to Corriere della Sera, "the woman tried to descend, then had a panic attack and could not continue down, so she was rescued by the firefighters."

What Happened

Vincenzo had wandered away from the rest of the group for a few seconds, a few minutes. When the operators realized he was missing, he was standing on the well cover. "Get down, get off there," shouted the operators and other children. Then the cover must have shifted, or collapsed, taking the child down with it. One of the camp leaders then attempted a rescue by lowering herself with a rope and trying to talk to the boy, urging him to stay calm. She then got stuck halfway, and the firefighters arrived. "The child was found in a part not visible from the surface, where the well widens," the officer explained, "his body was at the water's surface, probably his lungs hadn't filled with water, but the autopsy will clarify. He might have hit his head, but when we got there, even the water wasn't moving." It is still unclear whether he died from the 15-meter fall or from drowning. Firefighter divers recovered the body.

The Investigation

The Siracusa prosecutor's office has opened an inquiry into the child's death, whose lifeless body was recovered from the well he fell into. The investigation is targeting unknown persons and involves cooperation between the police and Carabinieri. Investigators are working to reconstruct the exact dynamics of the incident, particularly to verify whether the well had been adequately marked. According to initial reconstructions, the child had climbed onto the sheet metal covering the well, but the cover gave way, causing him to fall 15 meters into the water. In recent days, the foundation had organized a series of excursions and integration activities with able-bodied peers and volunteers. For instance, the children were engaged in gardening and cooking workshops. Today was scheduled for a field trip, during which the tragedy occurred.




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