Matteo Messina Denaro's Health Deteriorates Amidst Tumor Battle
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The health of Matteo Messina Denaro, who is hospitalized in the prisoner section - under careful supervision by prison authorities - of the San Salvatore Hospital in L'Aquila, continues to worsen. This location was chosen to provide the boss with the necessary care for the colon tumor he has been battling for years. This condition led him to be admitted to the La Maddalena clinic in Palermo, where he was arrested on January 16 after 30 years in hiding.
Information trickling out from the facility is sparse, but it is known that on September 5th, the mafioso left the intensive care unit, where he was admitted following a surgical procedure to address intestinal issues. Currently, doctors are focusing on pain management, which intensifies as the tumor progresses.
Medications are being administered to alleviate Messina Denaro's suffering. Nevertheless, the request made by the former fugitive's lawyers for hospital detention and definitive release has been suspended. Given his increasingly critical condition, it also seems that Messina Denaro has requested not to be resuscitated if the need arises. These reports come from hospital and prison environments, and there have been no confirmations or denials. However, the lawyer and niece of the boss, Lorenza Guttadauro, has been seen in L'Aquila in recent days. The mafioso underwent another surgical procedure in June to address urological issues that are not directly related to the tumor.

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