31/07/2023 04:25:00

   Pantelleria Grateful for Joint Efforts in Combating the Recent Devastating Wildfire

In the days of July 24 and 25, a devastating wildfire struck our beloved island, engulfing and destroying vast hectares of vineyards and Mediterranean scrub. Following this tragic event, the Municipal Administration and the National Park of Pantelleria extend heartfelt gratitude to all those who collaborated in extinguishing the flames and dedicated themselves to safeguarding both property and lives.

In a joint statement, Mayor Fabrizio D'Ancona and the Director of the National Park, Sonia Anelli, expressed their profound appreciation to institutions, volunteers, and citizens, recognizing that it was through their collective efforts that the fire was contained, subdued, and the entire area cleared and secured.

"The recent events," the statement reads, "highlight the extreme vulnerability of our island's ecosystem, which requires greater protection from the authorities. This includes providing new and suitable equipment, as well as ensuring sufficient human resources, both in quantity and capability, to address the increasingly frequent emergency situations."

As they reflect on the tragedy, they earnestly appeal for the reinforcement of firefighting units and resources. "After this sad incident," they assert, "it is crucial to reiterate the urgency of immediately transferring all Fire Brigade personnel residing in Pantelleria but serving in other districts, so as to ensure their prompt availability in case of any emergency. Furthermore, it is equally important to announce a competition open exclusively to island residents or those who have maintained residential ties for at least ten years, with the goal of minimizing the age-old problem of commuting, which has often limited the potential intervention capabilities of our Fire Brigade."

The call for strengthening local firefighting capabilities comes as a sincere plea to safeguard the island's natural heritage and ensure the safety of its inhabitants. The recent wildfire serves as a stark reminder that it is vital to invest in the resources and personnel necessary to combat such calamities swiftly and effectively.

The dedication and unity demonstrated during the recent wildfire incident exemplify the spirit of Pantelleria, a community resilient in the face of adversity. By working together, hand in hand, it is possible to protect this cherished island and create a safer, more secure future for all.

Pantelleria's beauty and vitality will rise again from the ashes, bolstered by the commitment of its people and the support of the nation. Let us heed this call for action and work toward a better, safer Pantelleria, preserving its natural splendor for generations to come.


Native | 2024-07-16 09:00:00

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